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Hungarian cucumber salad (Uborka Salata)

This is one of the staple salads that I grew up with as a kid, a speciality that my Hungarian grandma always had on the table.

Using fresh thin slices of cucumber dressed in a light vinaigrette with a little sour cream, this is an ideal summer salad that is served cold.

I have adapted this recipe from a very old cookbook that my grandma gave me called " Culinary Arts Institute, Hungarian Cookbook". I have cooked many a recipe from this little paperback, and it shows, as pages start to fall out and wear battle scars of oil splatters from many a schnitzel.


2 Cucumbers ( I use the Lebanese variety)

2 Teaspoons of salt flakes


3 Tablespoons of white vinegar

3 Tablespoons of water

1/2 Teaspoon of sugar

1/2 Teaspoon of Paprika

1/2 Teaspoon cracked black pepper

1/2 Clove of garlic, minced

2 Large Tablespoons of sour cream ( optional)

Sprinkle of paprika



1. Wash the cucumbers and slice into thin rounds. You can peel them or leave the skins on for added crunch.

2. Once thinly sliced, place the cucumber in a bowl and cover with the salt flakes. Refrigerate for an hour

3. Whilst the cucumber is in the fridge combine all the dressing ingredients together

4. Take the cucumbers from the fridge and squeeze out juices. Discard the juices and place back in the bowl

5. If using the sour cream add this now to the cucumbers with the dressing, mix with a large spoon until combined. Sprinkle with paprika to taste and ready to serve

This is one variety of many other varieties which I am sure are out there and if you would like to share your recipes, please write in the comments below


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